Ismari Sir Butch

Butch was born on the 3rd of October 2018 and was the first Bullie to join our family.  He comes from the fabulous Mervander bloodline and is absolutely gorgeous...his puppies proves the point. True to bulldogs nature he conveys impression of determination and strength.      

Lady Leila

Leya was born on the 30th of April 2019 and joined our family on the 6th of July 2019. Her great-grandfather was the impressive Kees v.d Kasan Bulls of Mervander (Imp Neth).  A gem right from the start.  As puppy playful and active, now always lounging around. 

Bullies Ella

Ella was born on the 26th of April 2021 and joined our family as our second female.  She came from the fabulous Wayandri bloodline.  Right from the start she showed us her loyalty, determination and strength.  Playtime always fun but being lazy her preference.

Lady Sadie

Sadie was born on the 16th of November 2021 bred by Bu-Leya's own Butch and Leya.  Sadie has a very affectionate nature, is fierce in appearance and one of our more active bullies.  

Duchess Milo

Milo was born on the 15th of July 2023.  She was bred by Bu-Leya's own Butch and Ella.  Milo is loyal, dependable and courageous, and maybe a little spoiled.  She enjoys her splash pool and playing outdoors, before taking her mid-day nap.

Sir Ollie

Ollie was born on the 15th of July 2023.  Bred by Bu-Leya's own Butch and Ella.  Ollie is alert and bold, everyone's best friend and very active.  Always having fun with his sibling Milo.

BuLeya Zeno

 Zeno was born on the 28th of December 2023.  His father the fierce Armecosa DozerHerbst and his mother the beautiful Armecosa MollyHerbst.  Zeno is very sociable, friendly and gentle and even though he loves playing outside, relaxing on the sofa is no problem for him.

BuLeya Zoey

Zoey was born on the 28th of December 2023.  Her father the fierce Armecosa DozerHerbst and her mother the beautiful Armecosa MollyHerbst.  Zoey is gentle and sweet.  She loves playing outside in the water with Milo and her sibling Zeno.